Mythical & Religious Paintings by Marcel Morin


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Marcel Morin was born on the 13th of September 1962 in Gravelbourg, (Saskatchewan) Canada. Morin always liked to draw from a tender age and pursued his artistic formation in the province of Quebec after his parents moved near Montreal in 1976. Sister Yvette Martin was his teacher who taught him the fundamentals of perspective and all the skills associated with a solid basis in the graphic arts. After this first initiation, Morin went on to college in Hull (Quebec) where he perfected himself in painting and other forms of art. He entered the seminary in 1983 during which he graduated from St. Paul's University in Ottawa, Canada with a Bachelor Degree in Theology. Morin returned to Art in 1988 by registering at Université du Québec à Montréal (The University of Québec in Montreal) where he obtained a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts. During these years of studies, he also exhibited many times in Montreal and belonged to the "Le Cercle des Artistes-Peintres et sculpteurs du Québec" (the Circle of Painters and Sculptors of Quebec) and he was also a member of a printers studio ("Atelier Circulaire") where he worked to create etchings. These organizations gave him the chance to show his work locally and abroad. "Le Cercle" permitted him to exhibit his work in Assisi-Italy, Coimbra-Portugal, in an old castle in Spain, etc. The fall show was also the opportunity to proove his talent. He won the Grand prize in 1990, the Silver Medal in 1999 and the Gold in 2000. In 2002 he won the second prize (silver medal) in Brussels, Belgium when he participated in a Christian Art Show (this was not put on by the "Cercle"). Marcel Morin was able to attract the attention of the known art critic in Quebec called: Mr. Guy Robert. His book: (le Pluralisme dans Art du Québec), Ed. Iconia 1998 (Pluralism in the Art of Quebec). Morin is among the 200 artists chosen for this large book on the various trends in Art within the province of Quebec. He is also to be found in "New Art International" for the year 2000-2001(Ed. Book Art Press) in which the viewer may find an unusual connection between popular piety and disability. In the course of his journey, Morin has sought to investigate different styles as well as contents that gravitate around themes related to the plight of Man. He is now revisiting the narrative tradition in Art by way of familiar stories taken from Literature, myths and fairytales...